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Migrant men and boys had come to the cassava farm in hopes of dependable work to support themselves and their families— the kind of work everyone has a right to. Instead, they were put in intense danger. 

These workers didn’t have the correct tools and protective equipment to safely harvest the starchy root vegetables from the ground. They were living on the plantation, but their shelter was woefully inadequate. To make all of it even harder, they weren’t even being paid for what they were enduring, and their supposed employer deprived them of food. 

Multiple police agencies entered the plantation, equipped with training and education from The Exodus Road. They found these men and teenagers in egregious conditions of exploitation and malnutrition. 

Photo of the living conditions found on the plantation where these migrant men and boys were living.

Now, authorities are restoring these survivors’ human right to dignity. Follow-up action is being taken against the farm operators who harmed them.

This is the kind of powerful advocacy that is possible because of our community, especially Freedom Collective — a group of devoted supporters committed to the long-term fight for the rights of all those trapped in trafficking.