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Human Trafficking News

Nearly 40 men, 1 woman, and a 5-year-old boy from Paraguay freed from labor trafficking in Brazil

By August 2, 2023September 11th, 2023No Comments

The survivors were found living in conditions similar to slavery, closely packed in unsanitary quarters without adequate food.

Near the river that draws the border between Brazil and Paraguay, farmland rolls through rural areas. Sometimes, this idyllic landscape veils a trap.

That’s why The Exodus Road’s law enforcement partners in Brazil made two visits to the area in the span of three days, following complaints they received from workers. Police found all the hallmark signs of labor trafficking, signs they learned through The Exodus Road’s TraffickWatch Academy.

Many men from Paraguay were working on these sites, living packed together with few possessions in unsanitary conditions. They worked without proper protective equipment or adequate food to fuel their long hours of manual labor. In return, they were not fairly paid.

In total, law enforcement found and removed nearly 40 men as well as a woman and a young 5-year-old boy from the farm. Another nonprofit organization stepped in to help, as well as government social assistance, to make sure the survivors’ needs were met. Ultimately, the Paraguayan government helped repatriate the men, woman, and child back to Paraguay.

This scenario is one that happens all too often along the border between Paraguay and Brazil. Fortunately, The Exodus Road’s partners are watching, equipped with training and with technology through a partnership with Cellebrite. Because of your support, we are working together to end these slavery conditions. Thank you!