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Two hotels in India shared the same ugly secret: men were using them to traffick women for sex.

These hotels had become like prisons for the women who were exploited within their walls. The traffickers rarely let them leave the premises, keeping them in the dark. They’d come pursuing the promise of stable, reputable jobs. They did not know that it would become impossible to leave.

Fortunately, trustworthy law enforcement officials heard about the hotels. They reached out to The Exodus Road’s India team for help investigating.

Once a case was built, our team supported law enforcement in moving on the two locations. They were able to find and free three women from these places where they had been abused. With the support of a social worker, the women were transferred into the care of a government safehouse.

Meanwhile, police arrested two men who had been trafficking them. Because the evidence that they had been given by our investigators was so thorough, police had grounds to shut down the hotel-based brothels for good.

The coordinated response required to shut down two establishments at once is possible because of close longterm working relationships between our team and law enforcement partners. 

Those steady partnerships are possible because of your support. Thank you for supporting justice!

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